Saturday, 3 December 2016


A very interesting retrospective, this interview with Slobodan Milosovic. The shameful lies and demonisation of this man, later quietly cleared of all charges at the tribunal at the Hague, should ring alarm bells with us. And before anyone starts off on a tangent, I am well aware that life under this particular boss was no picnic. I know that he made poor decisions and lead badly. But he was labeled the "Butcher of the Balkans" by our media in a bid to break up a nation state into pieces, which is a pattern I cannot help noticing, the current project of course, is Syria. I am not here to talk about what he did wrong as a leader. I am here to talk about serial interventionalism under spurious pretexts. Wouldn't if be wonderful if we'd learned anything at all from looking back at these events? Sadly, it would seem we haven't learned a damned thing.
Whatever you think about him, Milosovic sheds light here upon the war of militia and war of information waged against his country in the nineties. Does this sound a little familiar? It should. It is a story that will repeat and repeat until the people rise up with one voice and say "NO MORE TERRORISING of SOVEREIGN NATION STATES you happen to disagree with or want to control".
Regime change, hobby of the idle rich narcissists that grace our corridors of power, should no longer be supported or forgiven by the people of UK, the people of USA and other NATO / UN countries currently indulging themselves in this heinous of all blood-sports. What is the matter with people? They will allow their governments to do these things and get away with it? They'll sign countless petitions to protect badgers and get the gelatin taken out of the new five pound notes, but they won't stand up and be counted when whole nation states are being destroyed by our policies. I do not understand. Not one bit. Never will I understand the complacency with which people accept their governments' lies about world events.
A despotic regime can exist for decades without so much as a penny in the pot for the innocent civilians caught up in the mayhem. Yet all of a sudden, when America decides they want a piece of that nation state, they begin a campaign of righteous indignation on behalf of the "tortured victims of a brutal dictator". The disingenuous nature of their protestations of outrage is impossible to stomach.
Milosevic was painted as a mad dictator/mass murderer. Clearly from this clip he was not mad. And the Hague cleared him of all massacre charges as despite having countless paid witnesses, and hundreds of other witnesses, they could not find any evidence he had ever ordered such events or resided over such appalling atrocities. Which is not to say they did not happen. It is to say there is a question mark over who orchestrated those events. The British people bought into the mainstream version, however, which enabled an illegal regime change. Saddam Hussein was painted as a mad dictator/mass murderer who had weapons of mass destruction. These easily provable and now proven lies about WMD were repeated by every news outlet in unison, were gobbled up by the British people, and this enabled our vile government to annihilate a whole country. There is footage from 1994 of Dick Cheney saying that the reason they didn't push to Baghdad in the nineties to get Saddam was "there would be a vacuum which would be filled by terrorists, there would be mayhem and we'd never get Iraq back under control, it would be torn apart". So. There was military foresight into what would become of Iraq once it was properly targeted. With this knowledge and foresight, Iraq was invaded again a decade later. And yes, Dick Cheney's predictions did come true about a broken, terrorist infiltrated Iraq. And all Tony Blair's bleating about "we didn't know, we should have perhaps had an exit strategy".. blah blah.. is completely bogus. They did know. They did it on purpose. Now they have military bases all over Iraq, which is what they wanted.
The former Yugoslavia was a melting pot of various minority groups living together, just as secular Syria six years ago contained Muslims, Christians and all creeds and sects living in relative harmony. Until that is, western interventionalism descended upon those countries and began to invoke chaos by introducing outside change agents and mercenaries to stir up troubles within the various communities and cause deep resentment or to open old wounds of feuds of the past. And stories of massacres do strike a chord, they do sound exactly similar to the stories coming out of Syria, of Mad cut throats going around villages and beheading children. The people on the ground in Yugoslavia would not immediately recognise that massacres are being carried out by outsiders brought in to cause trouble. They would instead immediately choose a side and dig in.. and resent, from that moment forward, naturally enough, the side they believed responsible for the massacres. And as Milosovic says at the beginning of this interview, the war was both a military one and also a media war jointly attacking their nation state.
I cannot believe people are so stupid that they cannot see a pattern emerging here. The ominous pattern of serial regime change. We saw it in Chile, we saw it in Ukraine, we saw it in Libya. Why have you not noticed the anomalies and the sheer absence of logic in the mainstream media's one existing and apparently only acceptable narrative about Syria? All the hallmarks, all the signature pieces, the hyperbole and rhetoric of ugly imperialism at its most disgusting are on display every time we turn on the TV or open a British newspaper. Even the most respectable journalists, whilst giving their accounts, cleverly cover themselves by fence-sitting. They will give us partial truths, no doubt with one eye on future Select Committee reviews ... making sure to avoid controversy, and of course keeping the other eye firmly focused upon protecting their cushy job inside of the mainstream establishment. Crucially, these erudite, allegedly heavyweight reporters will refrain from commenting upon the inaccuracies and false reporting elsewhere in the press. They will refrain from mentioning pertinent facts or contexts that would sway public opinion against UK/NATO activities in Syria. For me, though, this silence, this reluctance to be completely honest, these premeditated sins of omission by our most illustrious journalists, is tantamount to supporting those who are knowingly enabling despicable illegal regime change policy. I am therefore thoroughly disgusted with them, that they are so cowardly in the face of genocide and people displacement happening on our doorstep. As I've said many times, and indeed as President Assad has pointed out time and again, the Syrian war stops when America says it stops. You have your answer right there about what is going on. And when that sentence sinks in, you are beginning to get the whole picture. Is it really that difficult to understand? To put it another way, how many more times, people of UK? How many more times, people of USA? How many illegal interventions will it take before you realise that this is all utter bullshit - all of our outlaw activities in these countries we're in the business of decimating, and all of the justifying press releases sent out to make sure this has your fingerprints all over it? How many more? The latest tactic of dressing it up as humanitarian aid makes it somehow, for me, even more disgusting.
I'm wondering how many more times you will allow these actions to be carried out in your name, with your tax contributions assigned to it, and with your nodding dog approval of all of this. All of this upheaval of peoples, all of this pulverising of precious and irreplaceable historical sites, all of this mass slaughter, seemingly with very little recourse to questioning the reasons of such vile activities? I'm wondering how many more times the people of America and Britain will give their nodding dog approval and thumbs up to heartless, inhumane sanctions on struggling countries that merely punish innocents and do nothing to achieve the alleged objectives of your trusted leaders. I'm wondering how long it will be before the majority of people in Britain and America will finally notice that they're reading propaganda rather than "news" every day. Propaganda which has turned us into nations of enablers to all of the above atrocities. In our unquestioning consumption of such filthy propaganda and a seemingly insatiable appetite for nauseatingly passive distraction trivia, we have become the foot soldiers for the advent of the dawning apocalypse. Congratulations. Sleep well.   

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