Ha! yes! As a matter of fact, #BBC you are right, it is a scourge, and you are right, I am heartily sick of hearing it. Problem is, YOU are the ones pumping it out every second of every day.
One of the most noble aspirations of a journalist used to be to unite people in common causes. To analise situations and events in an attempt to bring the world closer to a position of understanding each other. To exposing those who would stir up trouble between nations, to shed light upon corruption, that we might one day live in a more peaceful and tolerant world.
Yet our mainstream media has for decades seemed to take great delight in creating or highlighting divisions and separation. They have failed to support nations, failed to help them to stay intact and functional. They have failed to stand up to corporate bullies who threaten the peace of all nations. They have failed to report truth where truth would have healed wounds. They have failed to report truth where truth would have prevented war and would have saved millions of lives. Yet they now want our sympathy.
Crying and bleating about so called "fake news sites" is as pathetic as it is contemptibly hypocritical, coming from these master fakers and mischief makers of our time. Why in the hell did they lose their integrity to the degree that people were forced to go elsewhere for their information? They did it to themselves. And now they are finished. In journalism, reputation is everything. A reputation is not easily repaired once sullied. They should all have surely learned this on their first day at college. Apparently it did not sink in. It will now. It will sting. It will pinch. It will gnaw at the conscience of those who still possess a soul as the whole world turns its back on them in disgust. They've blown it. And they did it to themselves. And I have no sympathy for the devil tonight.
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