Saturday, 7 December 2019

Caring is now an "extremist" occupation

A convenient myth is often pedalled that Labour supporters want to “bring down capitalism”, which negates the entire Opposition Party as a "bunch of extremists". The inconvenient fact is that 99% of Labour supporters simply want to eliminate a level of corporate greed and callous asset-stripping, which have undermined our  services and industries to the point of social and economic collapse.

If you want evidence, look around you. Try to travel across Britain on public transport, or try to see your GP today. Read the UN review on the scandalous British the child poverty crisis, or consider the appalling negligence which lead to the Grenfell tragedy.

There comes a point at which there are no assets left to be stripped. What then for us? Another hard, cold fact is the people doing the stripping are not interested in us. They’re not the least bit concerned about what our country looks like, or what it feels like to live in a place which no longer has any assets worth exploiting. They often don’t even live here and go to great efforts to avoid contributing by way of  taxes. Our corrupted, complicit media sings the same songs, breathes the same rarified air, and will seldom expose the devil in the detail.

A hollow but insatiable lust for profit narrows the field of vision to one laser sharp intent. Indulging this myopic appetite leads to multiple areas of neglect, infrastructural atrophy and diminished quality of life in the society for which these corporations are allegedly “providing a service”.

“Providing a service” is often PR-speak for “exploitation” and “extortion”. We now find
ourselves sitting in a pre-loved country that looks like it needs much more than a coat of paint and a hug; a country that looks and feels temporary, and “make do”, like there was a war last week and we haven’t quite recovered yet.

Our NHS is on the brink of "planned obsolescence" which has been premeditatedly orchestrated by creatures who have no perception of its true value, both in terms of precious human lives being protected, and in terms of being a priceless treasure beyond riches in our nation's psyche. What makes it worse is that they lie about this well-documented process, especially at election time. They cry "fake news" if we point out details that anyone who's works in the NHS already knows.

I can't decide which is worse, the deception and serial denial of the sell-off, or the malicious take-down of our one altruistic governmental achievement of the twentieth century...just to make "a quick killing",  figuratively and, sadly, literally.

So we have stark choices, and only a few days to make those choices. I am actually terrified of the Conservatives continuing to ransack our very livelihoods, by selling up to anyone with a big enough wallet. I suppose you have to decide who you trust with your future. For me it's easy.

I watched the debates. To me Mr Corbyn presents like a man who has lived his heartfelt convictions every minute of his life, still believes in them, + hopes they’ll resonate in some kind of legacy after he’s gone. Mr Johnson presents like a man who has spent a lifetime avoiding convictions.

Good luck Britain.  I don't think I ever remember ordinary people being this engaged in an election. I hope we can continue to be so after December 12th, because that's what's going to change the game forever. It got this bad while we were all looking the other way. Let's all stay focused on taking responsibility for our own destiny, from this point forward.

I urge you to watch "The Great NHS Heist" BEFORE election day

The Great NHS Heist

Pilger's "The Dirty War on the NHS"

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