Saturday, 7 December 2019

Caring is now an "extremist" occupation

A convenient myth is often pedalled that Labour supporters want to “bring down capitalism”, which negates the entire Opposition Party as a "bunch of extremists". The inconvenient fact is that 99% of Labour supporters simply want to eliminate a level of corporate greed and callous asset-stripping, which have undermined our  services and industries to the point of social and economic collapse.

If you want evidence, look around you. Try to travel across Britain on public transport, or try to see your GP today. Read the UN review on the scandalous British the child poverty crisis, or consider the appalling negligence which lead to the Grenfell tragedy.

There comes a point at which there are no assets left to be stripped. What then for us? Another hard, cold fact is the people doing the stripping are not interested in us. They’re not the least bit concerned about what our country looks like, or what it feels like to live in a place which no longer has any assets worth exploiting. They often don’t even live here and go to great efforts to avoid contributing by way of  taxes. Our corrupted, complicit media sings the same songs, breathes the same rarified air, and will seldom expose the devil in the detail.

A hollow but insatiable lust for profit narrows the field of vision to one laser sharp intent. Indulging this myopic appetite leads to multiple areas of neglect, infrastructural atrophy and diminished quality of life in the society for which these corporations are allegedly “providing a service”.

“Providing a service” is often PR-speak for “exploitation” and “extortion”. We now find
ourselves sitting in a pre-loved country that looks like it needs much more than a coat of paint and a hug; a country that looks and feels temporary, and “make do”, like there was a war last week and we haven’t quite recovered yet.

Our NHS is on the brink of "planned obsolescence" which has been premeditatedly orchestrated by creatures who have no perception of its true value, both in terms of precious human lives being protected, and in terms of being a priceless treasure beyond riches in our nation's psyche. What makes it worse is that they lie about this well-documented process, especially at election time. They cry "fake news" if we point out details that anyone who's works in the NHS already knows.

I can't decide which is worse, the deception and serial denial of the sell-off, or the malicious take-down of our one altruistic governmental achievement of the twentieth century...just to make "a quick killing",  figuratively and, sadly, literally.

So we have stark choices, and only a few days to make those choices. I am actually terrified of the Conservatives continuing to ransack our very livelihoods, by selling up to anyone with a big enough wallet. I suppose you have to decide who you trust with your future. For me it's easy.

I watched the debates. To me Mr Corbyn presents like a man who has lived his heartfelt convictions every minute of his life, still believes in them, + hopes they’ll resonate in some kind of legacy after he’s gone. Mr Johnson presents like a man who has spent a lifetime avoiding convictions.

Good luck Britain.  I don't think I ever remember ordinary people being this engaged in an election. I hope we can continue to be so after December 12th, because that's what's going to change the game forever. It got this bad while we were all looking the other way. Let's all stay focused on taking responsibility for our own destiny, from this point forward.

I urge you to watch "The Great NHS Heist" BEFORE election day

The Great NHS Heist

Pilger's "The Dirty War on the NHS"

Friday, 15 November 2019

The Silent Treatment

It strikes me as odd that countries who sell "democracy" as a thing to be cherished, immediately refer to countries who convert to this model as adversaries to be demonised from a distance rather than neighbours with whom to trade, harmonise, + better understand by listening and interacting.

Millions of us have now noticed that when a country becomes prosperous + self-reliant, having no need of outside help, the circling "democracies" seem to experience an intense outrage, + develop an insatiable thirst for interference, which usually begins by rendering the country's leader voiceless on the world stage.

If we liken it to a court case, the witness has been silenced. If we liken it to a boxing event, team A's boxing champ has an HBO 24/7 show dedicated to their every movement since birth to now...  interviews with relatives, school teachers, friends, the audience warms to this fighter, feels a connection, supports them willingly against the outsider they never heard of. Team B's boxing contender is not allowed to speak, or to make connections with the audience... no TV coverage, no bio, nobody has a clue who they are.  In the run up to the fight, which fighter would be easier to bad-mouth and demonise? Obviously, team B's fighter and whole camp could very easily be made into the pantomime villains, just by filling that information vacuum with garbage and rhumours.

Now this scenario probably won't happen in sport, because the world would be outraged at the lack of fairness, the lack of sportsmanship. In a court room, deliberately silencing a witness is generally frowned upon as being dirty practice, reprehensible criminal behaviour. So why do we tolerate this exact behaviour from our so called "leaders" in the far more seriously impactive life and death landscape of geo-politics?

Countries our democracy see as a threat, or which have something we want: strategic territory or waterways, mineral wealth, oil, water, effectively receive the team B treatment, which is usually channeled via a very obvious and particularly odious collusion between media and state.

If we're not hearing someone's everyday chatter, if we're not familiar with warts and all ideas, for better or worse, if we're strangers to their motivation as their voices become dimmed to a whisper and finally strangled into an un-knowable silence, how easy it is then to pierce this silence with the arrows of spite, suspicion and all the other venoms of a society in retrograde.

The team B treatment seems a routine first step toward interventional conflict of one kind or another, I think most people understand this process well enough. What I find baffling is that people don't allow the penny to drop that if we didn't allow the un-sporting non-platforming routine to take place, potentail conflict would usually  be diffused at source, there'd seldom if ever be support for it from ordinary voters.

In return for our votes, if we demanded that our ambassadors and our MPs improve their diplomacy skills and change their mission statements, and reach out to all cultures in a more sporting manner, rather than pulling up the draw-bridge and shouting primordial, semi-literate abuse from the gun tower, perhaps we could make our world instantly safer.  The reaching out needs to be genuine though. It's come to my attention that past delegations and past governments have defined "reaching out" as swarming into a country to turn as many vulnerable people as possible against their sitting government, so that when we (or our terrorist proxies) invade, they roll over to be tickled by their new masters rather than fighting for their country's honour.  The quangos, NGOs, "charities" engaging in this kind of endeavour have deaths on their conscience - deaths of individuals and deaths of countries - they need to be identified and challenged at some point.   Meanwhile, quite obviously, defining terms is imperative, before any more "reaching out" is attempted, by anyone from our "democracy" pertaining to "help" any other country on earth.

If we're not hearing someone's everyday chatter, if we're not familiar with warts and all ideas, for better or worse; if we're strangers to their motivation as their voices become dimmed to a whisper and finally strangled into an un-knowable silence, how easy it is then to pierce this silence with the arrows of spite, suspicion and all the other venoms of a society in retrograde.

If Mr Putin's,  Mr Assad's, Mr Kim Jong Un's and everyone else's everyday speeches were as readily available as those of our ever-bleating members of parliament, people would see their flaws, their good and bad points, their silly and good ideas, just as we see those of all the other flawed human beings who stand up to speak, anywhere. This tedious familiarity would render the playing field of democracy more fair, and in this fairer environment it would be considerably more difficult to rig the game, which would render us a hundred percent more safe.  In the event that a leader transitioned from politician to monster, we'd see that coming, too, through their own words, their demeanour and their behaviour, rather than through the grape vine. Heaven  knows we've spawned enough home-grown monsters, we ought to be rather well-equipped by now to recognise one more.

Rigging games, silencing witnesses, these are not ways to make our future world safer - it's exactly how real monsters are forged, out of real and perceived injustices that our regressive politicians created by distorting the picture and rigging the game. For me, these propagandist manipulations are a complete and final deal-breaker when it comes to placing my vote. Achieving a lasting peace across the world is the thing we need to do most urgently now. Everything else can be dealt with after that, underpinned by the reassuring knowledge that we actually have a future.

Monday, 23 September 2019

"Self-touching classes" for six year olds? Parents, time to find your rage, I think.

I began a petition today. I was only allowed to write 500 words about it on the petition so here's more information about why I did it.

I'd very much like parliament to hear the concerns of worried parents across UK who've recently been told that the already inappropriate  "All About me" programme is to roll out "self-touching" lessons to children six years old and upwards - the pertinent words in that sentence being "children" - according to accounts in our media this "programme" is in 241 Warwickshire schools and if not investigated and / or curtailed, is set to spread more widely next year to include other counties across the UK.

Tory MP David Davies has reportedly said: ‘I and many other parents would be furious at completely inappropriate sexual matters being taught to children as young as six. These classes go way beyond the guidance the Government is producing and are effectively sexualising very young children.’
Had I any access at all to Mr. Davies, I'd be asking him this question: "if these classes go way beyond government guidelines, who is in charge of reining these people in, and why aren't they doing this urgently on behalf of frantically worried parents? Is your government prepared to be held responsible for any consequences of such rampant negligence, and for such a distant and vague, hands-off-the-wheel approach to our children's safety?"

The human brain is still developing until around the age 25. Therefore, asking a ten to twelve year old to make life-altering decisions about taking hormones is ludicrous, and often irreversibly damaging - yet we already have this being encouraged in schools without parental consent. Things are already out of control with our  teenagers, and now we hear that children of six and seven are to become prey to yet more out-of-control "programme makers", who conveniently do not come under the close scrutinies and vetting procedures of our teachers.

Teens and children younger than ten are extremely malleable/vulnerable/impressionable to adult suggestions.  They should be able to trust the adults around them to give them the space they need to develop in as natural a way as possible, without interference, in their own time, which is different for every one of us; and those different sensibilities need to be respected rather than trampled upon by such totalitarian programmes which are clearly masquerading as quasi-liberal advances, but which are stealing away that priceless and precious and very short time in life of innocence and care-free childhood.

One of the programme’s authors, education consultant Jonny Hunt, hitting back at critics of the programme allegedly said: “However uncomfortable adults may find it, children of all ages will self-stimulate from time to time.”  OK, if a few children do this at a very young age, then they're self-discovering in a natural way, and need clearly need no help or encouragement from anyone. All they need to be told is "you can talk to us about anything at all" from their parents. It is NOT a school teacher matter, it's a family matter. For schools to be involved in when a child becomes sexually active, for adults in the education system to be indulging in discussions about  masturbation with children as young as six, is state over-reach to the point of pimping/seducing/corrupting these children with malice of forethought - and reciprocally, Mr. Jonny Hunt, I'm very sorry if some adults find that offensive, but the authors of this horrific idea seem to have forgotten that these are our children, not theirs. They also seem to have forgotten they have absolutely no right to decide these things without first seeking parental consent. Schools are not buildings full of products for social engineers to play with; we can only speculate as to the motivation of programme initiators.

To alert children to all of these things when their mind and/or bodies are not ready would obviously be stressful, confusing, and would potentially be an extreme source of anxiety for any child who is still by definition "a  child". Children are vulnerable. To fob off criticism by saying "adults might find it offensive" is beyond ignorance or arrogance; it's state sponsored intimidation and bullying to social engineer our children into sexualised mini-adults without our consent.  Our doctors and psychiatrists have acknowledged the increased cases of sex addiction in society. If a substance is addictive, do you start showing it to children in the playground to "start them early" or to "let them get a taste for it"?  Would schools introduce alcohol classes classes to six year olds, just because a few neglected children begin drinking alcohol far too soon for their tiny bodies to be able to cope? What about sending them out to a bingo hall at four as well? Might as well have the whole set of addictions by the time they're ten.

Seriously though, and it doesn't get more serious than this, if you think the people objecting to this are "from a different era and don't understand",  you'd be right. Many of us grew up in  a far more permissive era altogether, not at all the uptight, shallow, anxious, hate-filled serially offended "Mummy will you drive me to school"  era we're living in now. But I'll tell you one thing  we enjoyed to the fullest back then:  a childhood.  To knowingly steal this time of innocence from today's children, whilst understanding that it's the most precious gift we can give them, is pre-meditated child abuse in my opinion. I'm not the only person thinking this.

I've discussed this with countless neighbours and friends who all agree with me and are all as angry as I am.  I cried when I read about this programme and it really was the last straw. That's why I urge everyone who shares my fears for our children to please sign this petition. It's pretty impossible to put a cat back in a bag, but we need to try to undo at least some of the insanity that's going on in our schools. We need to try to dial down the interference in our children's behaviour. We need to be present at every decision-making process when these things are being touted by whichever dubious "think tank" dreams them up. We need to be listened to.  We need to be heard. We need answers to the many questions this alarming information has inevitably raised about child safety in our schools. We need to unite against pressure groups attracted to working in our schools, which might not have our children's best interests at heart, to put it mildly.


Here's a link to a report about the "All About Me" programme:

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

IR and VSS - what are they? Things you need to know to stay safe.

What kind of a world do we find acceptable. What kind of world can we tolerate. What kind of word would we like this to be in the future. When would we like the future to begin? These questions are profound yet can be answered in a blink, from the gut, without stopping to think.

IR  = Integrity Re-definers
VSS = Vapour-Sniffer Scouts

What kind of world are we passing through right now. We half believe. We have one limp hand on a statue of a person who once said "love thy neighbour as thyself" and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Our other hand confidently grips a daily dictate written by "experts", whose wisdom has lead to the solemn revelation that there's only one possible reason in the world that a person would want to call for an end to war. Calling for an end to aggression toward nations states is an obvious indicator that a person has been converted to such ludicrous notions by people who live in Russia. These poor misguided souls will  be henceforth tagged as "useful idiots of the Kremlin" - a dark place where nothing good has ever, or could ever possibly happen, because everyone in there is wicked.

These are all troubling thoughts, but we need to rest assured that the situation is being taken care of by a team of specialists in which we can place our trust, and upon whom we can unquestioningly rely. At this point I might remind concerned citizens that we had all of this kind of bother back in the 1950s. I'm told there were even cases of actual Russians discovered hiding under the beds of innocent coffee drinkers. Shocking. Anyway, our trusty crew of fixers have a trick or two up their sleeves for dealing  with every occasion - from irritating protests by hordes of noisy pacifists, to unexpected spontaneous break-outs of all out harmonious peace and unity.

Our specially trained communicators and our most wise experts often refer to people calling for an end to interventional politics as "St. Petersberg trolls". They remind us to look out for these unfortunates, repeatedly, every day, in every publication benevolently supplied by our industrious Christian-minded leaders. Our mysteriously appointed yet beautifully turned out "group leaders" write up knowledgeable reports all about how individuals couldn't possibly think up such perverted philosophy as "wanting wars to end" all by themselves. They patiently explain in laymans' terms, with helpful, user-friendly graphs and  fuzzy satellite imagery of soil and rocks, how such reprehensible tendencies are never the result of deep contemplation, physical and emotional experience, or consensus of like-minded people from various locations on planet earth; absolutely not. Pacifism, and related types of errant thinking, such as an aversion to violence, or seeking a world where countries have a right to be left alone to determine their own destiny, always originate from one source, and one source only, always, (so no need to check), they come from Russia.

For example, if a person shows signs of wanting to stop a huge, extremely benevolent Super Power from helping a lowly, downtrodden, illiterate starving country with lots of oil, by finding them a new, much more sensible leader, this person has definitely been infected with evil Russian military grade thought-vapours.  These vapours spread ideas through the brain - and we all know how dangerous that can be.  Ideas, especially of kindness and tolerance, are the scourge of the modern world; they need to be identified and completely eradicated from the human consciousness, before it's too late for us, and too late for our children.

We simply cannot allow people to indulge in outlandish and whimsical plots based upon "sharing resources", or "talking to each other like adults instead of dropping bombs", or even that most deadly thought of all..."trying to get along with each other using diplomacy and grace". Well.  Need I say more. I'm quite sure you can see where all that might lead.

If the person affected by Russian thought-vapours is a friend of yours or a family member, the best thing you can do for them is to report them to your local expert, at your local Correct Information Center. These helpful centers have many effective treatments, including the popular and very affordable "Common Raison d'etre" package, and of course, for more severe cases, the unbeatable, guaranteed 100% vegan "Complete Mindwash" (currently trending on TwitsAreUs").


Q. A commonly asked question in our centers: is the Complete Mindwash reversible?
ANSWER: of course not.

There are reports of isolated cases of reinfection. These cases are rare, but can cause upsetting scenes at bus stops etc.

A lady was on her way to her Mindwash Mondays refreshing booster course, standing at a bus stop in Outer DailyMailia, when all of a sudden she remembered that her trusted leaders used to talk about a person called God - especially when the army was on their way to help a failing country to get their shit together by kicking all their citizens out into the desert. Anyway this God person had a son, and the lady remembered that this son had some cheeky one-liners and few little catch-phrases that caused quite a buzz, back in the day. Unfortunately she couldn't remember any of them, which caused her a lot of confusion and distress. She did remember that the leaders used to talk about God quite a lot when they wanted votes and money; she became extremely agitated, and began to scream and rant uncontrollably. The lady was taken away and we don't know where she is now.


When people call for an end to war, some much more sensible people always step in to remind these perverts that we can't stop being at war, because the economy would collapse. After this post "post truth" truth has been disseminated by clusters of our most accomplished Integrity Re-definers, and reinforced by our most obedient and noble Vapour-Sniffer Scouts, it is actualised within corrected communities everywhere, and fully realised by the masses of the less marvellous. At the moment of realisation, there's usually a fearful gasp, followed by a whistful nod by everyone present, before they wander off, hands  in pockets, whistling "if I only had my brain back I could work this out"...

I did hear an urban myth that the bloke with the one-liners got a bit handy with some piss-taking bankers in a temple once, a very long time ago. This lead to him being hammered to a cross as a lesson to anyone else with far-fetched ravings about "peace and good will".  Quite right too. I'm now beginning to realise those Russians have been busy with the vapours for a lot longer than we first suspected. Be careful out there.