Dear Boris,
I got your message about standing outside the Russian Embassy to protest about Russian Bombing. Thanks for that.
I won't be going.
As far as I can see, the Russians are fighting ISIS, and I was told that they were the really really bad guys. So... after five years of USA and UK failing to defeat ISIS, I'm struggling with the reasons why you would not use diplomacy to arrange how to do this better, by talking to Mr Putin. Instead, you seem hell bent upon cutting off diplomatic ties and refusing to do your job as the voice of UK overseas; an approach that is putting us all in harm's way completely unnecessarily.
I do, however, have a suggestion which might sate your obvious desire to agitate the UK citizenry into activism. May I suggest we all meet outside the British Parliament buildings, and overseas participants at their respective British Embassies, to protest vehemently against the illegal and immoral sanctions currently imposed upon the beleaguered people of Syria?
We learned from Iraq that sanctions do not have any effect upon the "regime" you are trying to overthrow. Sanctions merely heap suffering upon an already tormented innocent citizenry. In Iraq it is probable one million people lost their lives over a ten year period of sanctions. There is no justification whatsoever for imposing sanctions upon Syria, a nation which has never attacked anyone.
Boris, nobody will be waiving "Putin is a monster" banners at the Russian Embassy. That bird just ain't gonna fly, sweetheart. If you still want to go, you can stand there with "Plebgate Mitchell" and swap "cold war" yarns about the good old days when "baddies were baddies because .. er.. we said so, and there was no internet to bugger it all up".
Yours sincerely,
Lyn Smith - embarrassed, ashamed, and devastated UK citizen
This is a new blog. Hope to hear some views. Dangerous times indeed and I feel the need to spread ideas and find like minded people in the hope we can find unity of purpose rather than despair