Friday, 21 October 2016


I watched the last debate this evening. Only one word "ridiculous".
Trump - a child in grown-up's clothing. Missing every opportunity to go in for a kill like a pathetic little boy who forgot to do his homework. Trailing off in the middle of each sentence and turning everything into a vague and very badly written fairytale for the under fives.
Clinton, the serviceable lawyer/politico of over thirty years of lying for a living. Gliding over major cravasses in her suitability and her policies with slick, over-poised oily smirks and chilling laser glares back at the gumbar who she knows has already passed her the keys to the Oval office. Neither of them having a single shred of compassion, remorse, awareness, acknowledgement, or empathy for anyone else on the planet.
To say I'm disgusted does not begin to cover it. I mean, am I missing something here? Everyone goes on and on (especially Trump) about flushing the emails..... and Hillary comes back with "yeah it was just shopping lists and talks with my daughter and anyway I made a mistake and deleted them, sorry for that.." Surely to God it is the fact she DISCUSSED STATE AFFAIRS ON AN INSECURE, unauthorised PRIVATE SERVER that is AGAINST THE FECKING LAW last time anyone checked, even in the Godless fallen empire that is America? Can someone explain how that's fine? In the debate, she said "that's been debunked" as her answer to another accusation about missing money. Oh, really? That's OK then. - WTF?! Like being accused of embezzlement to the tune of six billion dollars equates exactly to a fake UFO video that six net nerds have "debunked" ... ? Excuse me but surely a criminal investigation would be a more appropriate avenue, oh beleaguered American criminal justice system?
It is now undisputed that Hillary's camp hired rent-a-thug to disrupt the Trump campaigns; which she denies of course but unfortunately for her this looks to be true, as do all of the extremely damning Wikileaks emails. Wikileaks have a 100% voracity rating over a ten year period for everything they have ever released. Hill the bitter Pill does not care about any of that. She knows that for a few weeks, at election time, it's very important to tell poor people how much she loves them and how she's going to help them to stop being poor.
I'm not even going to speak about her involvement in the middle east because it makes me cry that anyone can be so fucking callous and despicable. Anyway gone into it all before too many times. To sum up, you could say this:
Trump = has absolutely no clue who is fighting who and why
Hillary = funds terrorists, deploys them to fight proxy wars and probably has ISIS's phone number in her purse.
Actually Clinton reached a new low by accusing a world leader (Putin) of espionage in a 'live' TV debate! Aside from having no evidence, and aside from it being utterly preposterous as a premise, is it not just a wee bit demented to raise such a serious accusation in that way, in that situation? I've heard poor judgement being mentioned, but this is something else again. I mean.. to risk a world war as a deflection tactic to bat off a difficult question, Hills? It's as if she thinks she's in a movie. It shows a complete disregard for the people this might effect if her international mud-slinging causes an escalation of the tensions between east and west - already being stoked up deliberately and unnecessarily by NATO and the UN.
So we have this:
Two people sling mud for an hour. They both come out filthy. Both have disgraced their candidacy and also the office of President. Nice.
If Hillary gets in, not only will we get a "BOGOFF" deal - for those none Britishers, that is 'Buy One (Clinton), Get One Free" - where we get Bill as well. A person who wants to bomb Syria, re-start the cold war crap, and seemingly, an actual war with Russia whilst knowingly funding terrorism and using it as a weapon to depose legitimate leaders.
If Trump gets in, I'm sorry I can't even go there because it is just too ridiculous.
While Clinton will take us to war deliberately, in fact she seems hell bent on it, Trump gets in he could just as easily take us to war by accident, just by being the stupidest man who ever lived as well one of the most intellectually insecure and emotionally immature and unstable.
Well, all things considered, isn't it a good job the president doesn't actually run the country, Mr. Soros?

Tuesday, 18 October 2016


I posted a video imploring people to put pressure on their MPs to lift the inhumane sanctions imposed upon the Syrian people.

I've since had many people ask me the same question, which is this:

"What is the point in writing to an MP? They did not listen when a million of us told them not to invade Iraq. They're still not listening to 17 million of us who want to cut our ties to the insidiously corrupt EU institutions. They won't ever listen. We're heading for world war three and there's nothing we can do to stop them, so what's the point?".

I must admit, I have a healthy supply of cynicism myself on any given day. Along with a pinch of closet optimism and a tiny dash of 'oh fuck it anyway'.

Cynicism keeps me sane at times. It staves off all out despair. It also frightens 'complete fucking meltdown' back into my 'save for later' draw.

I understand that time's running out. I understand that our leaders are hurtling toward nuclear war and it all looks hopeless. But what if I told you that something you said, something you shared, something you thought could influence world events. If your thought patterns, merging with thousands of unified voices repeating and repeating the same thoughts and wishes could create even a tiny blip - a hiccup - a blink - and a re-think? A little 'pause for lunch' from the lemmings' day out on the clifftop that is our current foreign policy?

If you really think you can't change the direction in which this world is heading, I'd urge you to curl up and listen to the following story.

Once upon a time, there was an intrepid warrior queen called Vanessa. Vanessa was fighting in 'The Great War of the Words', and was usually based in a cyber village known as '21Wire'.

Vanessa had heard about a false paradigm centering around the exploits of a group of heroic rescuers who travelled the land of Syria rescuing its people. These men were known far and wide as The White Helmets. They rescued many many millions and millions of people. A lot of the people they rescued were children, who were pulled out from probably more than a million tons of rubble which lies all over the land of Syria.

Vanessa travelled to the land of Syria. She began to notice that these White Helmets were never found rescuing children in any parts of King Sad's territory. They were always doing their valiant and saintly rescuing in the same one part of Syria, known as the 'Naughty Steps to Dark State'. She also noticed something vey strange indeed. When they lifted a dusty child out of the millions of tons of rubble that had been on top of him, they placed the child in an ambulance that had never been used before, and was not at all dusty, and sat the child onto a very clean chair. They did not tend his wounds, apply a saline dehydration drip, put on a neck or back splint, check his vital signs or comfort him. Instead they decided to gather round the dusty child and take lots and lots of photographs with their Iphone 6 and deliver them into the cyber town of 'Twitter' and the unknowable city of 'CNN'.

These White Helmets were said to be so saintly that heavenly choirs broke into song when they walked down the streets with their cameras, they were in fact a little bit like the brothers of little baby Jesus. Vanessa noticed that they were never short of food, and always had plenty of water, and weapons, and trucks and vans and internet connections, unlike everyone else in the land of Syria where the wicked witch of sanction was gobbling up all of their supplies...

OK... well, that was just my little parody of the White Helmet story. I hope it does not offend. I am not making light of ANYBODY's suffering here. Quite the reverse is true. There is a lot of evidence these recuse stories are either partly or completely fake; whilst rebels are injuring, maiming and wholesale slaughtering innocents who receive absolutely no tears of sympathy, and no news coverage at all. Couragious independent journalist Vanessa Beeley in particular has been investigating all of this for many months. Vanessa has been calling bullshit on this vile organisation calling itself 'The Wite helmets' and "the Syria Civil Defence', for quite some time.


Vanessa has written article after article, on her own page, 'The Wall Will Fall' and at the excellent '21st Century Wire' web site, (down for maintenance now, so link following soon), which go into details about The White Helmets; their history, their funding, the fact that they call themselves the 'Syrian Civil Defence', thus confusing people, and stealing this name away from the real Syrian Civil Defence Forces which have been a member of the ICDO since 1972 and are recognised by the UN.

The WH, with the help of their massive western million dollar funding, seem to be working in league with Al Qaeda and Al Nusra Front and several other hordes of Muslim Brotherhood savages and mercenaries. These terrorists are rampaging around Syria causing misery and carnage. They are aiding the overthrowing of President Assad which Israel and America so desperately want. It seems as though The White Helmets are a PR and psyop tool in America's and Mossad's latest proxy war, masquerading as a humanitarian organisation.

I urge anyone who has not yet read Vanessa's reporting on the White Helmets to do so at the link above. It was these hard hitting articles and Vanessa's resolute, inspirational interviews on 'UK Column' and '21st Century Wire', that motivated an army of foot soldiers (including myself) to go to war on the side of truth and justice.

Anyway, back to the story. What happened next was rather extraordinary.

In the three weeks leading up to the Nobel Prize announcements, thousands of us took to the comment boxes of all the major newspapers, TV channels, shared facebook messages, videos messages, bombarded related web pages and articles about the White Helmets, called their MPs, wrote to their MPs, wrote on their MP's facebook pages, wrote to Boris Johnson, bombarded Theresa May, tweeted and retweeted thousands of tweets and made sure there was a visible and overwhelming majority consensus of no confidence in their choice of nominee (and hotly tipped favourite to win) for this year's Nobel Peace Prize. Vanessa had even called the Nobel Office in Oslo to protest at the nomination. I think Cathy Newman (Channel Four News) received over three thousand anti-White Helmet rants on her facebook page, and so it went on for a few weeks.

Despite a documentary film that tugged on every emotional receptor in the brain to cynically manipulate world opinion and brand the White Helmets on the biggest film outlet in the world (Netflix)...

Despite one of the most insidious and disgusting high end propaganda campaigns we have ever seen - featuring rising stars 'Dusty Boy', 'Rag Doll girl', and 'Beach Boy', brought to you courtesy of practically every single news outlet in the world; and quite obviously co-ordinated by a major PR company probably based in UK, Qatar or Dubai (we can but speculate)...

Despite Boris Johnson having mawkishly sung the praises of the WH to the heavens and donated thirty two million pounds of tax payers' money into their account; and USA the UN donating around a further thirty milllion dollars...

Despite Brangelina as was, the Clooney Loonies, every "A" list celebrity who can actually speak (I said speak, not think), and every twonky talking head on every TV station in the world branding them 'heroes of the hour and saints-in -waiting'...

Despite all of this, and despite it looking like a done deal that they would win, the big day finally arrived. The announcement was made. And... guess what? We all got to find out that The White Helmets would ...
...NOT, in fact, be receiving a Nobel Peace Prize! Nor would they be receiving the million pounds that would have gone with that.

Apparently someone on the inside has intimated that just two days before the announcement was to be made, the panel apparently backed off, and changed their decision about who would receive the prize. It would appear they might have been unwilling to attract the backlash of negative publicity, given the strength of recent public opinion and general outrage that might follow, at this bogus nomination.

So our 'all-singing, all-dancing, all round angels of mercy super heroes with wings and specially polished camera-ready halos terrorist outfit' suddenly looked for all the world, and in front of the whole world, like the bunch of cry-baby gold-digging 'helmets' they really are.

Now this outcome might not have had anything at all to do with any efforts people made to get the word out. But there's a chance that it had everything to do with getting the word out, and changing people's perception.

Do you still think it's a waste of time to try to change this world around with words? Clearly our MPs and ambassadors, paid to represent us, think so. Our governments have broken off diplomatic links with Syria and Russia - therefore closing avenues of diplomacy and possibilities for non hostile solutions. I don't think these decisions should be theirs to make. I think it is deeply disgusting that they arrogantly refuse to talk to the legitimate UN representative of President Bashir Al Assad.

Our leaders have proven to be miserable failures at representing us, if it has come to this stage of impasse, where military intervention is almost inevitable.

The level of deception being used by our governments upon their own people is not only shocking, it is terrifying. I would say criminal but, as the late Michael Hastings was once warning us on Buzzfeed back in 2013, Obama changed what they refer to as "the law" to make sure it is in fact now legal to propagandise in the homeland of America against their own people. Nice job.

So. Stay in your safe place? Or give it a shot - just in case we really can change the world with words, one brain at a time?

Sunday, 16 October 2016


Been trying to work out how we got here. To this extreme low point in our civilisation's decline and perhaps ultimate fall from grace.

With respect to media lies.. whilst they have been going on since forever, powered by private firms (Fox News, CNN, Disney et al), I'm thinking back to what I believe was a pivotal moment. Do you any of you remember the late Michael Hastings reporting on the proposal (as it was then) to end the ban on the use of propaganda against the American people?

Michael Hastings is still sorely missed. He was a brilliant reporter, and was murdered for his trouble. He was on the right track to try to draw people's attention to this treasonous legislation. How vital it is to shine a light on the government's sanctioning of "the production of fake news for your own good". This amendment breaks so many oaths given to the American people in their constitution. It opens the door to a world in which nobody has a means of knowing what is real and what is not.

Of course, propaganda was always used, directed at "foreigners"... but the proposed amendment to which Michael refers was making it legal to turn the PR and bullshit inward toward their own people (nice).

When you look at the cult status and blind worshipping of "celebrities", making it possible for the likes of George Clooney and Angelina Jolie to be used as pawns in selling any lie dressed up as "humanitarianism". We also have the baffling and suffocating proliferation of NGOs and "charities", able to blindside yet more millions of people under the banner of "philanthropy".

I really do believe things became radically worse after this bill, amendments included, was in fact passed, in 2013. This made it legal to produce flashy films (think "The White Helmets" and pretend rescue clips, "dusty boy pulled from rubble" nonesense, and crappy films like "Zero Dark Thirty" that completely skewer and obfuscate the disgusting adventures of USA in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria... all of it fake, fakety fucking fakeries here there and everywhere to get the American people onside with whatever the government and military happens to be up to at that time

This is what lead us to the Truman Show nightmare we live in today. This is how a group of terrorists linked to Al Qaeda was able to masquerade as a "humanitarian organisation" and win endorsements from hundreds of cerebrally challenged Hollywood luvvies, to the point where they AMOST won a Nobel Peace Prize! They were given millions of dollars of funding from EU countries, USA and UK and other NATO sources (though they claim to be impartial and independent), and.. millions more in personal donations given by well-meaning, warm hearted people who have been taken in by the lie; because the affore-mentioned Hollywood whores tugged at their heart strings, crying crocodile tears and showing scene after scene of carnage and despair in Syria to provoke a deep seated need in the public to "do something".

The reason Oslo didn't award the WH the prize was almost certainly the backlash from people like us, foot soldiers in the information war, calling bullshit, during the three weeks leading up to the announcements. And we've learned that it is possible to change people's perceptions, one person at a time, through a combination of evidence, logic, and sincerity - I'm old enough to remember when all of those three things were a damn sight more fashionable.

R.I.P. Michael Hastings - (January 28, 1980 – June 18, 2013),
fallen hero in the information war.


Link to Michael Hastings' original article at Buzzfeed

The following is an excerpt from a piece in "Business Insider"

"Lt. Col. Daniel Davis, who released a highly critical report regarding the distortion of truth by senior military officials in Iraq and Afghanistan, dedicated a section of his report to Information Operations (IO) and states that after Desert Storm the military wanted to transform IO "into a core military competency on a par with air, ground, maritime and special operations."

Davis defines IO as "the integrated employment of electronic warfare (EW), computer network operations (CNO), psychological operations (PSYOP), military deception (MILDEC), and operations security (OPSEC), in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own."

IO are primarily used to target foreign audiences, but Davis cites numerous senior leaders who want to (in the words of Colonel Richard B. Leap) "protect a key friendly center of gravity, to wit US national will" by repealing the Smith-Mundt Act to allow the direct deployment of these tactics on the American public."
The above article from Business Insider can be found here:

Thursday, 13 October 2016

The loneliness of a reluctant activist

Shortly after 9/11, I remember George W. Bush stating "you're either with us, or you're with the enemy". I remember the disgust I felt that a president could utter such a crass, toxically reductive phrase on the world stage.

Naturally we have become used to crass, over-simplistic rhetoric hailing from America for decades; but somehow this statement crystallised something in my mind on that day. It forced me to admit to myself that I was going to have to take responsibility for finding out what is going on in the world. It forced me to realise I was going to have to take time out of my life to become involved in things I previously believed was the domain of "experts" and "professionals".

And it does not get any better this side of the Atlantic either. Our equivalent talking heads here in UK have become increasingly inept, increasingly obtuse, and incapable of representing us in an honourable way.

Since then I have become more engaged with political machinations and world events, as have many of us. This lead me to ruminate upon one or two over-riding themes. Let me explain.

Our military and administrations decided to "remove Saddam Hussein" because he "was hurting his own people", was a nasty man and had also entered Kuwait. They then put in place sanctions which killed 500,000 children over ten years, upwards of a million people altogether. When Saddam stubbornly refused to go, we had the WMD lies, repeated and repeated and bleated by every dumb-dumb masquerading as a journalist in UK and USA. This lead to the bombing of the country and its people into oblivion; leaving depleted uranium shells that would cause cancers for decades to come, and a country bereft of infrastructure, bereft of hope. Who, do you think, caused the most devastation to the innocents in Iraq? Saddam, or those who took it upon themselves, under spurious circumstances, to "overthrow him"?

Now I ask you to think about Syria, in the same way. There is a filthy and extremely childish propaganda campaign in the west to demonise President Assad. It is worthy of an Oscar nomination for its guile and shameless self propagation. Not since the blackening of the now exonerated Melosovic, have we seen so many lies told by so many liars. Put that to one side, and suppose for a moment that it's not propaganda. Suppose that President Bashar Al Assad really was and is hurting his own people. I need to ask this vital question:
Bearing in mind the catastrophic failures of intervention in Iraq... which course of action do you think will hurt the people and land of Syria more: western bombing raids (increasingly inept bombing) and inhumane sanctions, or... leaving the people of Syria to decide their own fate and make their own future?

Can you honestly believe the west has "humanitarian concerns" about anybody in Syria, given the lack of concern for people of Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Serbia/Yugoslavia/Bosnia, or any other country they have tried to either conquer, sabotage or "regime change" by proxy?
We always measure the human cost of war first, of course. But add to this that Iraq and Syria had an abundant heritage stretching back millennia, to the oldest known, and possibly much wiser civilisations. Priceless artifacts, irreplaceable buildings and remnants of "The Holy Land" used to abound in what is fast becoming a desert, bereft of any traces of our ancestry. You have to ask yourself the question: "what kind of perverse, malevolent entities would be able to carry out such irreparable devastation without remorse, without exhausting all possible alternative diplomatic means to secure peace?"

Dirty wars. Filthy cover up propaganda, via a disgustingly corrupted media mafia. Tainted, compromised and cynical politicians; spineless skivvies for a rabid and rampant machine commonly referred to as the "military industrial complex" and of course, for Mossad. We see the pattern repeating and repeating ad nauseam. We hear Hillary Clinton et al openly admitting there has been a campaign to cultivate a citizenry which is "unaware", meaning less justification is necessary because people will accept just one version of everything and not even notice that real life is never that simple. We heard Madeleine Albright shamelessly confess, when asked about 500,000 child deaths in Iraq, that it had still been "worth it" to secure "peace" in Iraq (?)

If our world leaders were any good at their job, they would solve problems without firing a single shot, through diplomacy, give and take, and graceful manoeuvering. Sadly, they are far from good at their jobs. Clearly, they absolutely stink at their jobs. In fact they have been abjectly failing ever since political life was invented as a thing. In my lifetime I don't remember a prime minister who did not leave "under a cloud". I don't think USA has had a president who even tried not to fail since JFK. This succession of serial Mr. Beans cannot be seriously thinking we have not noticed that they, erm, are perhaps not even trying to get it right? That somehow there is more to it... that, perhaps, chaos and a permanently confused, disenfranchised public better suits the needs and desires of those from whom they get their orders?

And while we can muse interminably upon the ineptitude of our effete, Alinsky-esque ruling classes; Upon whether it really is feckless incompetence, or rather a fawning, obsequious servitude, the end result remains the same. Millions dead. The rest of us reluctant, acquiescent observers of a perpetual Groundhog Day vision of hell on earth. Morally bankrupt, emotionally shattered, and spiritually damned.

Does it ever make you wonder what the fuck is wrong with all of us that we continue to vote for these vermin to come back again for another term? Are we that far gone down "Lobotomy Lane"? Not only swallowing that "there's one naughty bad guy out there, here's his picture, we have to woop his ass" ... but now also nodding and smiling at the ludicrous postulate that "there's no other way to run the country, and if we tried to reform the electoral process it would all go straight to hell".

Ladies and gentlemen, if there is indeed a "hell", we are already there. And someone is about to turn up the thermostat. Let's talk. 

Wednesday, 12 October 2016


Dear Boris,

I got your message about standing outside the Russian Embassy to protest about Russian Bombing. Thanks for that.

I won't be going. As far as I can see, the Russians are fighting ISIS, and I was told that they were the really really bad guys. So... after five years of USA and UK failing to defeat ISIS, I'm struggling with the reasons why you would not use diplomacy to arrange how to do this better, by talking to Mr Putin. Instead, you seem hell bent upon cutting off diplomatic ties and refusing to do your job as the voice of UK overseas; an approach that is putting us all in harm's way completely unnecessarily.

I do, however, have a suggestion which might sate your obvious desire to agitate the UK citizenry into activism. May I suggest we all meet outside the British Parliament buildings, and overseas participants at their respective British Embassies, to protest vehemently against the illegal and immoral sanctions currently imposed upon the beleaguered people of Syria?

We learned from Iraq that sanctions do not have any effect upon the "regime" you are trying to overthrow. Sanctions merely heap suffering upon an already tormented innocent citizenry. In Iraq it is probable one million people lost their lives over a ten year period of sanctions. There is no justification whatsoever for imposing sanctions upon Syria, a nation which has never attacked anyone. Boris, nobody will be waiving "Putin is a monster" banners at the Russian Embassy. That bird just ain't gonna fly, sweetheart. If you still want to go, you can stand there with "Plebgate Mitchell" and swap "cold war" yarns about the good old days when "baddies were baddies because .. er.. we said so, and there was no internet to bugger it all up".


Yours sincerely,

Lyn Smith - embarrassed, ashamed, and devastated UK citizen
Oh dear. Boris says "jump" I say "how high" ... you obviously didn't get the memo luv. You know. The one that says "write out fifty times: 'I must not be a fawning little prick in the future, because Boris Johnson is off with fairies and wants us to go to war'..." Yes, that memo. Now go home and change those ridiculous pink pants.