Dr Hilary
The pig-headed, one-sided, peculiarly obsessive warped bias of Dr Hilary is far more dangerous to life than any virus.
Dr Hilary has vilified a fellow doctor. Even worse, he’s vilifying a doctor working at the sharp end of a devastating health crisis. This is not how scientifically minded people ought to, or used to behave. A qualified doctor ought to be allowed to work as they see fit to protect life, using the skills attained during training and of course drawing upon their own experience, as long as they are not harming patients or breaking sane laws.
Discussions and disagreements on treatments have always been a robust and healthy part of the scientific community. To bypass intelligent debate, deciding instead to take the media shilling, talking to pensioners and whoever watches dross daytime telly, to sit on a sofa and slander a fellow doctor whose views differ from your own, is not just low, spiteful and unprofessional; it’s the exact opposite of what we expect from our scientific and medical community.
We have suffered. We deserve balanced, intelligent, complex debate with doctors from ALL sides of that debate. This would be the very least our government and our media could do for a weary, angry, disgusted population right now.
Politicians and celebrity doctors who repeat obsessively the mantra “get vaccinated” “get boosted” “we must get every person vaccinated”, are by definition acting irrationally. They’re not using or demonstrating normal scientific or medical rationale, or any kind of intelligent balance. A measured, informed position at this stage, two years down the line from the unleashing of a virus, would perhaps go something like this:
“Those who wished to be vaccinated have now had the opportunity to do so. Everyone else, of course, will by now almost certainly have acquired some degree of natural immunity, so, at this stage, there is no longer a state of emergency. The virus is fading, as can be seen from the data, each variant is less harmful than the last. These past two years have taught us harsh lessons.
There will be a full national and multi-national inquiry as soon as possible into the exact origins of this un-natural new pathogen, and indeed into our responses and treatment protocols, in the hope that if this were to happen again, we’d get through it without such tragic and appalling loss of so many precious lives.”
What does a population do when their talking heads are spouting an increasingly irrational, extreme and obsessively fixated “one solution fits all” message, with fingers stuck in blocked ears... to a complex, multi-faceted, fast-changing situation, their rabid zealousness more akin to intoxicated religious fervour than unbiased, measured scientific or medical norms?
What do we do?