Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Is "Fair Vote" - the most misleading handle of all time?

Dear "Fair Vote" Campaigners,

I saw your poster and had to write.

To suggest the British public can be bought for the princely sum of  £625,000 is not only absurd, it is obscene and gravely insulting. If you honestly believe (and I don't think for a minute that you do), that this amount of money's worth of tacky posters and Facebook messages from Bojo riddled with politic-speak made a jot of difference to the deeply held feelings of the British voters, you are dreaming. You're in Never Never Land with the current government, who refuse to earn their money honestly by engaging in diplomacy and meaningful dialogue on our behalf; who choose instead to fabricate a new "cold war" "McCarthyite" culture, complete with 20th century prejudice toward Russia - which they keep mistaking for USSR in the 1980s - and dropping bombs on countries with oil, mistakenly convinced that the British people will approve of any of that.

I voted to leave the E.U. because I did not want Brussels beaurocrats interfering with my family life in any way.  I voted to leave the E.U. because that organisation went fourteen years without keeping proper accounts, and are wasting billions of pounds worth of European tax payers' hard earned money on pointless beaurocracy. I voted to leave the E.U. because I don't want British law to be amended or written by politicians in Brussels. E.U. was and is encroaching upon our lives, and indeed the lives of all European people, in a way that is unhealthy and smacks of covert global governance incrementally imposed. I am very sick and tired of government over-reach in school business, hospital business and in family life. E.U. initiates and encourages these trends toward overbearing, unhealthy state control.

Under E.U. "protection", hundreds of thousands (at least 20,000 is a very conservative estimate) unaccompanied, traumatised children remain unaccounted for. Missing. Never properly registered at border control, effectively encouraged to "keep going" in their search for relatives, in their search for safety. Nobody in the E.U. has seen fit to stop these children ending up in the hands of sex traffickers, organ traffickers, and ruthless paedophiles. The scandal of lost, unaccompanied children slipping through the net - which is as loose, fluid and ephemoral as the E.U. financial records, is, on its own, in human terms, enough of a reason never to trust this rancid, abstruse institution.

All of these things make European citizens less safe in their beds. I am quite sure there are many French people, many Greek, Spanish, Italian people who would love to be free of all of the above as well. They would be the Europeans who truly love Europe. The true patriots. The true believers in inalienable human rights which are intact at the time of our birth. Rights which, contrary to the fallacy pimped around as fact by E.U. paper-fiddlers, cannot be doled out and then retracted according to the whimsy of a group of politicians.

These are a few of the valid reasons why I voted to leave the E.U. Europe is the continent in which I live; a continent I dearly love, in all its variety and magnificent diversity. Despite every effort from this overbearing organisation to homogenise and synthesise to the point that every town looks the same, we are not the same. We love and treasure those differences. We produce goods at varying rates, at our own rate, rather than at the rate which the E.U. deems to represent "competitive" and "successful". We sing from different hymn sheets on occasion. Those differences, those beautiful shapes of individualism and fruitful diversity should be treasured and respected. Instead, they are trampled underfoot as defects or weakness; wrinkles that need to be ironed out by conformity to meet "productivity targets". The fat rats in this particular sewer pipe have no allegiance to any country, and no interest in preserving the cherishable aspects of any nation's identity that can hinder the swelling of the bloated coffers of the damned.

If you think a tawdry little poster from Boris Johnson's office "made me" think of any of the above ideas, ideas I've formulated myself by watching the E.U. in action for over twenty years, you need to get a "proper job", because you're so wildly out of tune with the electorate now that you're likely to do even more damage to Britain's already tarnished reputation, tarnished at the hands of reckless, errant politicians.

If you think insulting the American public or the British public by implying they don't know their own minds enough to see through a bit of PR tat and under-graduate market-speak, you're not even living in the same century as the rest of us, and really need to catch up.

Yours sincerely,

Lyn Smith
UK citizen who voted to leave, and will again, however many times you repeat the exercise.